A- Attached or Single? -Attached - Married
B- Best Friend(s): Andrew, my spouse.
C- Cake or Pie: cake, of the chocolate variety, with chocolate frosting...unless it's my mom's cheese pie.
D- Drink of Choice: Glass bottled Mexican cokes.
E- Essential Item: Burt's Bee's chapstick and Inhaler
F- Favorite Color: Right now, I'm so into teal. I've loved it for a long time, but it's back in clothes and such.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Gummi bears
H- Hometown: Duncanville, TX
I- Indulgence: yes, regularly.
J- January or February: February--dead of winter, sure to be cold for a change, and often, we get snow.
K- Kids: Would like some, but God's got His own schedule.
L- Life, for me, is incomplete without: Jesus.
M- Marriage Date: July 19, 1997
N- Number of Siblings: 1 and 1/2 brothers. (brother #2 is from Dad's marriage #2)
O- Oranges or Apples? These days, Oranges. I'm off apples having become tired of them.
P- Phobia/Fears: Snakes.
Q- Favorite Quote: "Am I bovvered?"
R- Reasons to smile: Crisp fall days, God's goodness, nieces and nephews, not in that order.
S- Season: Fall, always fall, but the kind of fall they have up north with air cold enough for jackets and sweaters, hats and scarves, and colorful leaves.
T- Tag Ten: umm, I don't think I have ten, and the few I have may have already done this, but here we go: Caroline, Leah, Josh McFall, Maggie, Emily, Ginger (who tagged me), John Piper (hahaha)....that's about all I've got.
U- Unknown fact about me: I broke into a house once.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: Oppress those animals, baby! Give me my steak!
W- Worst Habit: Swearing...I've been doing it since I was 2. Watch what you say around your kids, parents.
X- X-rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasound. Quite therapeutic for injuries, and not just for looking at small babies.
Y- Your Favorite Foods: My mother's cooking of just about anything.
Z- Zodiac: Taurus. But I don't need a zodiac symbol to tell me I'm stubborn. :D