Blue Swiss Dots


a business

so when my profile says "i want to do photography for a living, but i'm not really "there" yet," what i really meant to say was "i'll be there in about 2 weeks."  

since i've started this blog, i've now moved into the phase of starting a photography business.  i have a super-cool partner and i'm ecstatic to have someone to work with.  more to come on that later.  it's being born right now, and many of you know that labor takes a little time.  in the mean time, new pictures (see above). 


Kenny and Leah said...

Awesomeness. I wish you and your super cool partner awesomeness in this new venture!

Liz said...

HEy that's awesome! I didn't know that! Congrats! Is it still happening and if so - how is it going?

Facebook me. I haven't entered the blog world as of yet. :)

Liz Pals